Teenage years are one of the best years of any girls life. It’s a time where she grows from a girl to a young lady and starts to see the world in a different way. She realizes the power and opportunity it can offer her. Sweet Abby wanted her session to include her best friends, and just have fun with it. Books and sugar where two things that couldn’t be left out. And thats how it went.
It all started in the library, where they chatted along(about who knows what :)) and where just giggling at each other. They each grabbed one of their favorite novels and posed. It came so naturally to them, it looked like if they had done this before 🙂  From their we headed to the “ITS SUGAR” store and had some more fun their!
Glory and friends, thank you for allowing me to capture these wonderful moments in this time of your daughter and friend’s life! You guys are amazing! Wishing you the best of the best Abigail.
Happy 16th Birthday Abigail!
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