Very fortunate to be part of this family since 2012! Since I started to photograph everything and everyone that involved families, I somewhat became more aware of making sure memories and portraits were being captured♥. One night after having a talk with my husband about life…we somehow got into a conversation on why their was not a family portrait in his parents home. I remember him telling me that his parents where always busy with lots of work and it just slipped them by and never really noticed.
If you ever go to my in-laws house, you will see everyones pictures up on the wall, on the coffee table even on their fridge! The importance of printing and having these memories have always been treasured in the Tejeda Family but for some reason or the other a family portrait was never taken… This was an issue that had to be resolved ASAP! We made some phone calls and got all the family together to home sweet home,Springfield Massachusetts where Mom and Dad live.
From this entire session, I would say my in-laws where the cutest! Note: They are a bit “old-school” so they couldn’t stop laughing when I would tell them to show me a little of their love for each other…♥

EST 1970

“And the Loveliest Couple Award goes to…
It was definitely an honor to be able to capture The Tejeda Family’s legacy… Its always worth going out of your way to have your family portrait taken… A picture freezes that moment… that emotion of you and your love ones. Its priceless. Love you guys!
Cant wait to see these portraits on the wall!
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