Congratulations Wendy! I have been friends with this lady for about eight years now. During all these years of friendship, we grew closer and closer. Wendy has truly shown me what a strong women is. Despite, of all the obstacles she had to face to graduate she did it… Not once did I see her get discourage but instead I always saw a woman who had lots faith, hope and love for everything she did. From working all day, to then attend school, to finally be with her family..she only and always put in her best.
I can say I am blessed to have Wendy as my friend. She is person I am always learning from and has always said to me… “Caro, you can do it!” She is a person who is always pushing forward no matter what. She loves to serve and is always up for any challenge!

“She is clothes in Strength & Dignity and She Laughs without Fear of the Future” -Proverbs 31:25
“From working all day, to then attend school, to finally be with her family..she only and always put in her best.”
Wendy, I am so proud of you! I know that this is just the begining to new and better things in your life. You are a Star and you Shine bright where ever you go. Congratulations, my friend!
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