From the moment Mommy Elisa told me Lael loved coloring and wanted to incoporate Crayons into her session, I knew this session was going to be so much fun! Coloring is one of the most fun and calming activities any kid can do π Princess Lael definitely had a blast coloring her easel at the beach!
“Oh Lael, the places you’ll go!”

“Come, color with me!”

Look at Lael’s lovely Crayon necklace!
Happy 2nd Birthday Princess Lael! It was an honor to capture these wonderful stage in your life. Oh Lael, the places you”ll go! I hear this and remember you and your mommy… Elisa π From your 1st birthday, this was always the theme… But in reality, it is the truth. Only God knows the places.. you’ll go… and all I know is that it will be very far…! It is a sweet blessing to be part of your legacy little oneΒ β₯β₯β₯
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